3 way switch common connection DoItYourselfcom
26032016 That one does use strange wiring when compared to the single pole connections The sensor is always powered thru the red wire that comes from the standard 3w switch In one direction there is no power on the 3wbrass connection and in the other position there is power on the 3wbrass connection Upvote PJmax
you may see this video: Episode 11 SCHEMATICS How 3way and 4way Switches Work
I am familiar with the traveler system or common system of wiring a 3 way switch circuit I recently read of the California system and made a diagram of it From what Ive read to comply with the code it must include a neutral wire so I drew my diagram with a 4 wire cable between the switches
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another info about diagrams
Hasil web 3 Way Switch Wiring Diagrams Doityourselfhelpcom httpswwwdoityourselfhelpcom The hot terminal on the light fixture is connected to the black wire running to the common terminal on SW1 The red and white cable wires are spliced in the
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